Monday, November 23, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away - NY Weather Report

So, my roommate pointed out that a couple of storms are coming to the North East and I decided it would be best if I checked the weather reports for NY.

Captures of Yahoo!Weather report for NY

So, not the best weather for taking pictures. Hopefully, the weather will clear up or I'll just have to deal with it. I'm also a little down because the reality of not seeing my roommates for nearly a week just hit it and it's pretty darn depressing. Despite the crappy weather conditions and emotional toil, I'm still super excited to go.


  1. Actually this weather could be a blessing. Overcast is prime weather for a polaroid photo shoot. Just as long as the rain subsides for long enough you should be in business. Good luck! T-minus 3 days to your first photo
